We, in Ballynahinch United Football Club, are committed to good practice which protects young people from harm. Members, coaches, officials and voluntary helpers in Ballynahinch United Football Club accept and recognise their responsibility under the Children (Nl) Order 1995 to provide an environment which promotes the safety of young people at all times.
Ballynahinch United Football Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all its members. The club believes that it is important that staff/coaches/volunteers and parents/guardians associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.
Therefore, everyone is encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with either Chairperson Gilbert Cromie or Child Welfare Officer Hannah Majury.
Football clubs for children/young people should offer a positive experience where they can learn new things in a safe and positive environment. In order to safeguard the young people in our care we will:
- Develop an awareness of the issues which may lead to young people being harmed.
- Create an open environment by identifying a contact person to whom young people can turn if
they need to talk. - Adopt child centred and democratic coaching styles.
- Adopt child protection guidelines through codes of conduct for players and all adults working in
the club. Adult may include coaches, parents, leaders and volunteers. - Ensure careful recruitment selection and management procedures.
- Ensure complaints and disciplinary procedures are included in our constitution.
- Share information about concerns with young people and parents and others who need to know.
- Provide information as required to management committees.
- Be involved in training made available through the various agencies and strengthen links with
these agencies. - Follow Governing Body guidelines on good practice for coaches.
- Keep the Child Protection Policy under regular review. References to:
- The Children (N1) Order 1995
- Our Duty to Care 1992
- The Sports Council for Northern Ireland