We have a number of sponsorship and advertising opportunities available that can benefit you and promote your business to the fans and visitors of Ballynahinch United by increasing awareness of your brand to audiences at The Millbridge, through our digital channels and to local newspaper readers.
Our sponsorship opportunities include:
- Match Sponsorship
- Player of the Match
- Advertising Signage
- Teamwear Sponsorship
- More information
- Volunteer to help
Match Sponsorship
Cost: £50
As you can imagine, we go through a lot of match balls every season, so our Match Sponsorship helps buy new balls and pay referees.
Match Sponsorship offers the perfect platform to effectively promote your business to our audiences through our digital channels and local print. This combination will provide an integrated strategy to promote your company or brand to local audiences and future customers.
This package includes:
- your inclusion on our pre-match and post-match social media posts for your chosen fixture – including both first’s and seconds.
- free entry and refreshment for you and a guest at the next home game you can make.
- Your business card or flyers shared with spectators and players, if provided.
Your sponsorship will help us pay referee fees, and go to towards maintaining our equipment and facilities.
The stats
Our social media platforms have a combined following of almost 4,000 people and a annual average reach of over 40,000. Match reports appear on our website and also in the Down Recorder (average weekly readership: 68,000) or the Mourne Observer (average weekly readership: 25,000).
Player of the Match Sponsor
Get in touch
Sponsor our Player of the Match award to promote your company and align it with the best performance’s during our matches. Ideally, we would prefer this to be an ongoing relationship. This covers both our first and second team.
This package includes:
- inclusion on our post-match graphic
- free entry and refreshment for you and a guest at the game.
- opportunity to choose the Player of the Match award.
If you cannot attend, Player of the Match awards will be chosen by a random spectator selected pre-match or by our management team.
Advertising Signage
We offer a simple opportunity to promote yourself through our two advertising signage options.
Roadside Signage
Currently unavailable
This is a 6×4 sized sign and is a great way to display a clear message about your business. This signage is viewable to over 15,000 daily travellers along the Drumaness Road (A24). This will be determined by where we have available space. Space is limited.
This package include:
- your business details printed on a roadside sign.
- a Match Sponsorship slot dedicated to your support.
Cost: £250 per annum
Pitchside Signage
This is an 8×2 sized sign around the perimeter of The Millbridge pitch. This is a fantastic way to emblazon your business close to the action as well as in front of local audiences, including local papers like Down Recorder, Mourne Observer and the Daily Mirror’s Match on Tuesday pullout, or online.
This package include:
- your business details printed on a pitchside sign.
- a Match Sponsorship slot dedicated to your support.
Cost: £150 per annum
These include a free Match Day Sponsorship dedication.
Combine both of our signage options for a discounted price.
Cost: £350
Teamwear Sponsorship
Get your business name or brand logo on an item of our kit, tracksuit or accessories.
Costs: £2000-£2500 (50 tracksuits)
Tracksuits are worn by all players and coaches to matches and in genreal use and ensure both teams look professional as we prepare on match days.
- your logo on all new tracksuits for our 1st and 2nd team.
- a Pitchside Sign (free for two-year contract, £150 per annum after).
- a Match Sponsorship slot dedicated to your support.
- your inclusion in other social media posts throughout the season.

Polo shirts
Currently unavailable. This is sponsored STOVAX GAZCO.
These shirts are worn by all players and coaches to matches and in general use and ensure both teams look professional as we prepare on match days.
- your logo on all new match day warm-up tops shirts for our 1st and 2nd team.
- a Pitchside Sign (free for two-year contract, £150 per annum after).
- a Match Sponsorship slot dedicated to your support.
- your inclusion in other social media posts throughout the season.

Warm up tops
Costs: £350-£500 (35 shirts)
These shirts are worn by all players and coaches to matches and in genreal use and ensure both teams look professional as we prepare on match days.
This package includes:
- your logo on all new match day warm-up tops shirts for our 1st and 2nd team.
- a Pitchside Sign (free for two-year contract, £150 per annum after), if you wish.
- a Match Sponsorship slot dedicated to your support.
- your inclusion in other social media posts throughout the season.
Kits are worn home and away throughout the season for two to three years.
This package is currently unavailable. Our first team kit is sponsored by B.E.C Electrical Ltd. Our Swifts’ kit is sponsored by Ian McClurg Learn Perform Coaching.

More information
All our sponsorship and advertising packages include Web and Social Media coverage.
Where possible, any partnership will also include an announcement in local newspapers.
If you want more information about any of our sponsorship packages, then please email ballynahinchunited@hotmail.com or message us on Facebook.
You can also get involved by volunteering. We always need volunteers to help out with multiple tasks onmatchdays and training from welcoming spectators, serving cleaning, maintenance, customer service, ground maintenance and coaching senior or youth teams.
Contact us to get involved or come down to The Millbridge on a match day and speak to a Club Member.